I am so excited to share with you a new product for us at Painted Paper Art!
Vincent created Still Lifes (a collection of flowers and or fruit not moving) a little differently than the Impressionist artists of his time period. After practicing with many different flowers, he chose a specific variety as his subject matter; the sunflower. His fellow painters thought that sunflowers were somewhat coarse and unrefined, but this is exactly what attracted Vincent. He also enjoyed painting sunflowers that had gone to seed.
“How to Draw Van Gogh Sunflowers” directed drawing guide are perfect for your students to help create beautiful art that you will love to display in your classroom, hallway or learning space while also helping to boost their confidence as artists.

These projects are classroom-tested, kid approved and are a perfect educational resource to help busy teachers like YOU.
This “ How to Draw” directed drawing packet guides every student step-by-step through the drawing process.

Included in the Drawing Guide:
- Background History of Vincent Van Gogh’s Sunflowers Paintings.
- Directions: Clear explanations drawn out step by step in ways that kids understand with creative variations so all YOU have to do is print the pages of the drawing guide, staple and give to your students. Super Easy!
- Coloring Pages.
- Gallery Photos showing creative variations.
- Mini Posters of Van Gogh’s Sunflower Paintings.
Your students will be AMAZED with what they are capable of drawing! I absolutely LOVE this project…and so do my little artists.
I can assure you this project is not too hard for Kinders – Middle School while being fun for all ages! I’ve personally used it with 5-12 year olds and they all loved it! 🙂 I suggest 90 minutes for the project time.

Find yourself some beautiful sunflowers and create an awesome bouquet of sunflowers!
Keep Creating and thanks for stopping by!

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