Our Vikings are a burly type with spears and grins….
Project One: Vikings!
Who doesn’t love a fierce fighting Viking? I know my students LOVED this project!!! We studied the various qualities of a Viking and added all their tools of the trade. My students loved creating personalities for their Viking guys and gals. Can you say CUTENESS overload??? The boys loved adding the details to their Viking. Axes, hammers, spears, shovels…. just to name a few items. Girls added aprons, bows and braids.

Students created the shapes of the Vikings on previously painted paper. Since we were short on time I provided simple viking tracers to get them started. Next, students used painted paper and added the Viking helmets, boots, facial features etc.

Students added details to give personality to their Viking. Lots of painted paper scraps were supplied to cut and glue onto the Viking. Some examples are an ax with a wooden handle, shovel to dig, and fabric apron and braids. Next, we added our Vikings to a mural painted by my students.

This little guy is getting ready to fell a tree! Students added details and painted around their Viking. Drying on the floor… before being displayed in the hallway.

If space is limited have students create a smaller backdrop for their Viking.

Project Two: Viking Ships
Another project my students created were Viking Ships! Check out this blog post for more details

These ships were a blast to make and fun to display around their Vikings.
Want more details on how to create these adorable Vikings and Viking Ships?

Check out the full color lesson at the store available at
What’s inside
• Background information about Vikings
• Supplies needed for both projects
• Reproducible Viking people drawing templates
• Step by Step directions on how to create Viking people
• Step by step directions for creating Viking ships
• Reproducible Viking ship drawing templates ~ boat, sail and shields
• “How To Make Painted Paper” instruction sheet
• Gallery of completed Viking people and Viking ships projects
• Also included are 3 Viking coloring sheets.


Keep Creating!

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