Years ago my father built a little garden shed for my supplies and tools. Over the years, this shed collected various items and a lot of dust. Fast forward to 2020, a Global Pandemic, and lockdown takes over. A long lockdown had me thinking what could I do with this dusty shed. So I swept it out, brought in some older chairs, garden trinkets and or course my art supplies and is a great place to create art.
Here are some key suggestions for creating an Garden Art Studio.
1. Make it Comfortable.
Hit up garage sales or facebook marketplace for inexpensive wooden tables, stools and chairs. Old camping pillows, camp chairs are a fun alternative and resist mildew and moisture.
(I found my desk in a dumpster, so it was free.)

2. Bring in Nature.
Our family goes on nature hikes, so I collect bird nests, sticks, moss, feathers, acorns, plants, nature posters etc. Decorate with things that inspire you. Nature and Art are my go to inspiration.

3. Shed Some Light on the Subject.
I hung overhead lighting and have a small desk lamp for task lighting. LED lights don’t heat up the space which is nice in the summer.

4. Keep your Cool.
I have a small fan that keeps the air circulating when the days are warm.
5. Art Supply Caddy.
I purchased a tool caddy from Harbor Freight. It has tons of pockets for paint brushes, scissors, pencils, watercolors, paper towels etc. Also, store water in a canning jar so you always have water at hand.

Find some joy in creating!

It is very lovely and refreshing. :0
Darling shed. What exterior colors did you use?
Thank you. We used Gardener’s Soil from Behr Paint.