I love using bold bright colors of paint splashed with big brushstrokes on watercolor paper. Incorporating different art mediums is common in my art classroom studio and allows my students opportunities to create beautiful masterpieces.

Book Inspiration
This is a delightful book to read for inspiration before creating a painted cloud. The book Little Cloud promotes imagination when viewing clouds in the sky while showing how rainclouds are formed and is a perfect addition to any library.

Supplies Needed:
• Tempera paint: Blue, Turquoise and White
• Brushes
• White paper

How to Create Clouds:
With a large paint brush, paint with tempera paint the outer edge (contour line) of the cloud. Next, use a small amount of blue and turquoise paint with white paint to fill in the cloud. Thick brushstrokes makes the cloud fun and interesting.

Create then let dry. Cut out the large clouds and display several clouds together for a beautiful effect.

Have fun creating!

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