When people think of sunflowers they think of Dutch painter Vincent Van Gogh. He is the most famous artist to be associated with painting sunflowers, but did you know Frenchman Claude Monet painted in 1881’s ‘Bouquet of Sunflowers’ which predates Van Gogh’s work. It seems likely that Van Gogh, who saw this painting, was inspired to later paint sunflowers of his own. Here is our version of Monet’s Sunflowers.

Claude Monet’s Bouquet of Sunflowers
This tempera and oil pastel project is such a vibrant lesson and the sunflowers make a beautiful display.

Monet painted seven types of flowers for his still life works. Sunflowers were among his most popular subject matter.
This project recreates the beautiful bouquet of sunflowers that Monet famously painted as well as having children experiment with tempera paints and brushes. Want more details to this lesson?
What’s Inside
Included in this digital lesson plan:
Step by Step full-color photo tutorials from the lesson
Art history of Monet paintings
Vocabulary Word Wall
Coloring Sheets
I Can Statements
Supplies needed for project
11×17 Poster of Artist work
Artist Statement Worksheet
How to Make Painted Paper Instructional Guide
Extension Project Idea in addition to Main project
Student gallery
National Core Art Standards checklists

This project requires two 40- minute art sessions. I created these with my 3rd grade students.
Student Gallery

This is what customers are saying about Painted Paper Art’s Lessons.
“Your products are thorough and easy to use. Thank you!”
“I have already gotten so many compliments on how beautiful students work is. Art is something many of our students do not get each year and I have committed to doing at least one art piece a month and I am using your units!
Thank you for helping spread the love of art!”
Enjoy the day and paint some beautiful flowers.

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