Who doesn’t love patterns?
Two things that my little artists are great at are Painting and Patterns!
In art class, we discuss various types of patterns, a complex pattern, and a motif? These fun folk art landscapes combine both concepts. We looked at the work of artist Heather Galler’s stunning folk art patterned paintings check out her paintings and be prepared to fall in love.

Studio Time
Day One: Using a pencil, create at least 15 diagonal lines (use a ruler for clean, sharp lines). Add various patterns in the shapes created by the lines. Next add trees, sun or moon, clouds and barns to the rest of the landscape.
Day Two: Use a sharpie and retrace over EVERYTHING. Once the black lines are complete use Crayola Construction Paper Crayons to add color in just the shapes not the backgrounds.
Day Three: Paint the background areas with liquid watercolor paints. I love using Crayola Mixing Watercolors- the colors are so vivid.
Supplies Needed:
• White Drawing Paper
• Black Sharpies
• Pencils
• Ruler
• Crayola Construction Paper Crayons
• Watercolors, water container and paintbrushes
• Placemat to protect table
Lastly, when the paint was dry we matted them and added our painted paper placemats cut into strips for the border. Recycle- Reuse- Repurpose!

Keep On Creating!

I am so stealing this one!! Gorgeous!
Thanks! I had some of these at OAEA Conference. These are some more from my students. 🙂
Wow! The colors are so vivid. I love this lesson. I'm going to link it to lessons I love and I'm going to try!!
🙂 Thanks for sharing…
These are so beautiful, can't wait to try !
This is awesome! So so warm in this cold winter!
HOW have I gone so long without checking out your blog??? You have so many great little tips in addition to your wonderful lessons. I've had some thin strips of painted paper for (ahem) years and use them occasionally to weave with on top of regular paper weaving, but still have so many left… never thought to use them as borders! Duh!!!
Thanks Kristina, I use the painted placemats for many things, but I love the look as borders, really easy too! 🙂
Love it! Stealing this idea – thanks for the share!!
What a wonderful art lesson. I can't wait to use it with my children! Thanks for sharing.
I am so excited for each and every student who has you as their teacher. I love that you are teaching them advanced art vocabulary as well as tying your themes to literature. I'm now a retired middle school teacher trying my hand at art for the first time in my life. I will refer back to your site many times. May God Bless You Richly!
Прекрасный урок!
Мы часто используем масляную пастель и акварель вместе, но у вас такие ясные чистые работы! Душа радуется! Спасибо!
Beautifly done, thanks for sharing!
Thank you for sharing!
Great idea for my Middle School artists. Thank you.
What a great idea for older kids! I teach arts and crafts at a church camp and have a hard time trying to think of good crafts for the 5th grade range.
Thank you very much for this post. I was so much looking forward to it. It helped a lot when I recently captured my oil paintings. Now I'm really happy with the photographs paintings. Thanks a lot!
Hi, I love your site! Such inspiring lessons and bulletin board ideas. Do you mind if I use some of your art lessons, like this one and the “Blast Off”?
Thank you for sharing your awesomeness! Stacie
Thanks for the comments~ You def can borrow away!
I love the idea of framing these with the randomly painted strips with just a thin black liner. Marvelous finish to a beautiful lesson.
Wonderful! Would this work just as well with oil pastels?
Yes. 🙂
I have been lovingly sent here by cassie Stephens and I am totally I inspired!!
Ohhhh thank you! I have been trying to teach fundamentals to a folk artist that works completely intuitively, but without attempting to change her beautiful natural style. Win!